Tottonians Rugby Club have purchased a 40ft container to convert into a brand new internal club gymnasium.

Club Chair Wayne Hausen announced the news to the club, which will see space in the kit store freed up and also made safer for the players to have a separate, all-purpose facility at the Water Lane ground.

There is some extensive work to undertake before it will be opened, including partitions being removed so that there is one long space and plenty of ventilation with the doors open.

“I’m particularly chuffed finding this and negotiating a good deal for the club with CB Design and Build Services, who specialise in container refurbishing,” said Wayne.

“Delivery of the container will be in about three weeks time and it will sit alongside the kit store.  We will take the partitions out so it is one 40ft long room and we will look into connecting power for the lighting.

“We have a lot of weights already and we will also be able to ensure the two Olympic rowing machines come back from the college gym (which we gifted to them some time ago) to be put into our new gym.

“This is a great investment for us as a club, will offer the players a great facility to use seven days a week, not just the four days 6pm-8pm that we have previously, and it will pay dividends going forward across the whole club.  It is a terrific outcome for the club.”